'We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories
we have forgotten.' ~ Cesare Pavese
Nostalgia... The fond remembrances… The talks of the good old days... The bittersweet
reminiscent daydreams of the present-day individual… Emotional... psychological... What
a night it was! Many people find it foolish developing nostalgia. They think it is unwise
to waste the time you have now thinking about the time you had then. Lingering in the
past is neither an admirable nor a notable pastime, and people who allow themselves to
fall into such things should pull their heads out of the sky and focus on the tasks of life
at hand. But there are times when that is just what the doctor ordered... Nostalgia Night
@ Globe was a wonderful remedy... that this individual sorely needed. I believe in a night
filled with funny, easy, and breezy. For smiles, giggles, and winks... And crazy, sexy, cool.
Enjoy my observations.
On a cold November night I truly enjoyed returning to a familiar place and with so many
familiar faces. Saturday was another moment in the pantheon of life's journey. Ms Marilyn,
always a vision, who as of now will become Ms Theron. Her adorable hubby, who interested
everyone on his recent travel to India... and his run-in with cows on a highway (no animals
were injured during the telling of that story). Marco Stiguy keeps surprising me with his
presence. Doris Ronca who never fails to impress on me her desire to get involved and be
very social... in a group she had no previous connection, except moi, she made the trek.
I like Doris. Rocco Capozi, a man in search of a good time, found the right conduit...
the Ladies at my tables. Wendy looked delicious. She has become a true contributor to our
soirées... along with Ms Bove II. I love when people come together and it progresses.
Poppy and her friend Ms Gubitoso were delighted to also be at a place they loved. I did
this dinner on a Saturday due to Poppy's Friday schedule...I hope she appreciated it.
My dear, old friend Virginia... I look across the table and see her smile, and chat with
the other guests, laugh and drink and I'm reminded of the many parties in our youth. My
attorney, who is also my friend, is a constant... and brought to mind Olivia Wilde in
Chaps with her leather pants. I adore that woman!
My partner in crime, who had been absent during the last couple of dinners, did not
disappoint. Thanks Luigi. Finally, Claude and Louise, who had been 'portés disparues'
for an extended period found their way back. They were as delightful, engaging and very
interesting as ever. I missed seeing Claude at my tables. He brings with him a sense of
comfort... and I smiled.
There is a long series of restaurants between Sherbrooke St. and Pine Ave. vying for
your attention. With all the action, eye candy and enticing food, one wonders how to
pick and choose. Is it the space with the most cutting-edge decor? The restaurant known
for its solid cuisine? Or is it the hot spot that boasts the latest celebrity sightings… With
their comely waitresses, groovy colour schemes, and up-to-the-minute menus, Globe
has always been considered 'hot' on all these fronts. While some of its competitors have
cuter waitresses and better chairs, Globe, in my humble opinion, has always succeeded
by offering the full package.
There's a special connection, a bond... if you will, between Globe, myself, along with
my extended family. Bombshell, back when she would go dancing with her girlfriends,
would always start and end her soirées at the Globe bar... because Robbie Pesut (one
of the owners) would always treat her like a lady... and be respectful. My nieces have
been celebrating their birthdays there, since turning eighteen, with each inviting their
respective entourages. Then there's my Godchild, who at the tender age of 5, had the
then-chef prepare for her a special plate of pasta (not on the menu)... Which she always
adored him for it and showed it by bestowing on him a hug and a kiss. He would take
her their famous 'Tourte au Chocolat' to enjoy at the bar, while I savored my cigar.
You see children, once upon a time, smoking, even a cigar, was tolerated in our fair
city. The good old days!
The present kitchen c.e.o., Jean-François Baril has returned the Globe to its former
glory and rightful place above the fray of restaurants, bistros, and ristorantes, all along
the strip. Along with the chef de cuisine, comes a refreshed ambiance, a new look for
the waitresses, and the sense of a new beginning for this landmark eatery.
Globe's cuisine exploits organic and local produce to its fullest. This kitchen lets the
quality of ingredients do the talking. We begin our culinary adventure with a platter of
oysters and shrimps. Along with several flutes of Proseco... then the panoply of pièces
de resistance commence... The first four courses of pure delight to our palate. Gaspor
pork belly with an Asian bbq sauce and water chestnuts was divine. A beet salad with
pistachios, ricotta and sumac which added a lemony taste was sublime and best epitomizes
what this restaurant is all about, sophisticated simplicity. Crispy buttermilk fried chicken
with Iceberg, ranch dressing and bacon gravy. Octopus wrapped in a tortilla with corn,
Coriander & Tequila. The flavors were bursting in our mouths... very tart.
'Cortes de Cima' 2010 from Portugal was our wine selection... aged 12 months in French
and American oak... featured an exuberant nose, exhaling perfumes of vanilla. Subtle
aromas of ripe black fruits and freshly ground spices were also present.
One of the main courses was a bowl of Cavatelli and braised Stanstead rabbit with
Romano beans and sage. The cornucopia of varied ingredients made my beak wet... and
wanted to steal Ms Theron's bowl. Love Bugs Bunny!
The following choice was a swordfish in a mango curry, with bok choy and king oyster
mushrooms. Another delectable selection of combined additives... My choice was pristine
slivers of grilled hanger steak with string beans, chorizo and shoestring fries... every
morsel tender, juicy and perfectly cooked. I abhor meat that's so rare and bloody, you
expect it to get up and walk away at any given moment.
Our gorgeous server, Rachel, easily fits Globe criteria with charm and professionalism
to spare of a model and/or actresses-in-waiting - a hallmark of Globe.
Fans of HGTV's 'The Property Shop' even got an extra treat... A Canadian television
'docu-soap' that follows Tatiana Londono, an ambitious, hard-working real estate broker
who struggles to balance family life with work, and do it all with style. Well the woman
does have style, and class to boot. One of the guests at the table, Bove Sister II, is a
HUGE fan and noticed her at the adjacent table. Since Ms Londono and I have been
Facebook buddies for some time... I shimmied my way to her table and introduced
Ms Bove to Ms Londono... Ms Bove was in Heaven and Ms Londono was the most
gracious... and I smiled!
As the crowds prove, by the sound and fury a tell-tale of the mood among the diners,
who were out in droves... Globe remains the perfect choice if you're up for the hullabaloo
of the St. Laurent scene.
I find incurring the silent wrath of nostalgia to be a beautiful process. When I flashback
to a memory it incites a lingering, melancholy emotion from somewhere deep inside;
almost as if I'd give up absolutely anything to feel the way I did then, just for one more
day. I adore remembering or finding things that make me feel that way. It may sound
absurd... but I'm an acquired taste.
'I am deeply touched - not as deeply touched as you have been coming to this dinner,
but nevertheless it is a sentimental occasion.' ~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy
But don't get me wrong. I certainly do not consider myself one of those people who
would willingly trade the present for the past. Nostalgia, for me, is simply remembering
the many young escapes I had into my own little, warm-and-fuzzy world; the only place
where I truly found myself happy back in those days. Days before the careful rusting
and stripping away of my childhood innocence... days before both world and self-realization.
Days before unpleasant influences tainted my mind and morphed me into the individual
I've come to be. I yearn for those days, but at the same time, I don't. That's what
nostalgia means to me.
Serendipities, happenchance, and surprises... Friends and strangers come together for
one purpose... To be inspired...
'Looking to the past can give you hope and comfort for the future, but never let
yourself forget how to press onward.' ~ ©Frank Borsellino
Life is short... Live your dream... Share your passion... A la prossima!
Namaste ±
Your Cruise Director
Food is my Compass
November 9, 2013