* Life flows beautifully when I stay open but don't push. When I push, it creates resistance and paradoxically slows things down. This is the beauty of relaxed effort, something I didn't quite understand when I was still highly ambitious and believed that I was the one in charge. Now, life is a co-operation. Pushing is equal to self-will... not trusting life enough to give me what I need when I need it and that where I am right now is exactly where I am meant to be.
Even when obstacles and tests turn up on my path, they don't knock me as they used to. I simply stay still until I know what I need to do, rather than frantically looking for solutions and advice as I used to. I have learned that I am here for a purpose, and that this purpose is unfolding itself as naturally and purposefully as a flower that is coming into bloom. I can't always see it growing, I may lose my faith and my trust sometime, but when I return to my center and realize that everything that is happening is perfect and contributing to my growth, I can relax again.
Whenever I have come through a difficult phase in life during which I thought I had lost everything, I have later laughed with awe at the perfection of life's great plan. What had seemed like a terrible disaster has invariably always turned out to be one of the great blessings of my life.' ~ ± Frank Borsellino
© From Where I Sit™
June 15, 2019