Friday, February 24, 2012

Morning Ritual . . .

Today I woke late, lapping at the shore of consciousness, unready to
desert my dreams, as I clung to the hidden truths to which they pertain.
I had the luxury of lingering longer amongst the copious pillows that
adorn my bed, and let my body rest as my mind explored the possibilities
of following my heart and the courage required, allowing myself to journey
into the realm of fantasy for a while, pondering reality.
Bravery is something with which I am acquainted, in some areas of my
life, yet in others it is certainly lacking as I struggle with myself
to determine exactly where the fine line between courage and stupidity
is actually located.
I got up eventually, as thoughts of tasks of the day obscured my reverie,
and consoled myself with for a zesty hot café au lait to accompany some
email correspondence. I feel good today, having regained some energy
that has recently been lacking, smiling to myself as I realized a certain
freedom, that had previously alluded me . . . was suddenly encompassing
my spirit. I wonder what gifts we will all leave the world when it's our
Now it is time to address the paperwork that has been waiting patiently
all week, and I will feel so much lighter when it's done, so I'm going
to get on with it.

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